Results Monitoring Database

PIDG Projects: Malawi

US$55.2m committed to support 4 projects. The development impact of these projects is summarised in the data table below:

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Country: Malawi


Project ID Project Name PIDG CompanyPIDG Commitment (US$m)CountryRegionStatusSectorSub-sectorEnergy project typeRenewableDAC TypeFragile State TypeStart yearClose yearDate of Operation expectedOperational projectMW CapacityTotal Investment Commitment - Predicted (US$m)Total Private Sector Investment Commitment - Predicted (US$m)Development Finance Investment Commitment - Predicted (US$m)Total Grant Funding - Predicted (US$m)People with Access to New Infrastructure - PredictedPeople with Access to Improved Infrastructure - PredictedShort Term Jobs Created - PredictedLong Term Jobs Created - PredictedPost-Completion Monitoring completedPCM YearCo-Financed with other PIDG entity
950 Airtel Malawi (Former Celtel) Telecoms Project - Malawi EAIF1.00MalawiSub-Saharan AfricaLoan or G'tee repaid at redemption dateDigital Communications InfrastructureNoLeast Developed CountryFragile State20072007Yes25.0025.00300Yes2011No
1519 Golomoti Solar InfraCo Africa Development8.00MalawiSub-Saharan AfricaFinancially ClosedPower/EnergySolarGenerationYesLeast Developed CountryOther201820202022Yes28.5034.7724.008.002.77595,01015017Yes2022No
1688 Old Mutual Malawi – Student Accommodation GuarantCo37.00MalawiSub-Saharan AfricaUnder Active DevelopmentSocial InfrastructureHousingNoLeast Developed CountryOther20212023NoNoNo
1349 Salima Solar, Malawi InfraCo Africa Development9.20MalawiSub-Saharan AfricaFinancially ClosedPower/EnergySolarGenerationYesLeast Developed CountryFragile State201620192021Yes60.0086.7060.2220.046.442,5001,392,46220020Yes2021No