Results Monitoring Database

PIDG Projects: 34

US$0.0m committed to support 0 projects. The development impact of these projects is summarised in the data table below:

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PIDG Company: 34


Project ID Project Name PIDG CompanyPIDG Commitment (US$m)CountryRegionStatusSectorSub-sectorEnergy project typeRenewableDAC TypeFragile State TypeStart yearDate of Operation expectedOperational projectMW CapacityTotal Investment Commitment - Predicted (US$m)Total Private Sector Investment Commitment - Predicted (US$m)Development Finance Investment Commitment - Predicted (US$m)Total Grant Funding - Predicted (US$m)People with Access to New Infrastructure - PredictedPeople with Access to Improved Infrastructure - PredictedShort Term Jobs Created - PredictedLong Term Jobs Created - PredictedPost-Completion Monitoring completedPCM YearCo-Financed with other PIDG entity